When working with git, you will frequently need to create working branches to put your changes on. Here's a quick git guide to help you create a local branch, push your local branch to a remote and delete your local or remote branch.
For the code examples, we'll follow the user/id/task pattern and use "u/mrathee/contact-form-fix" as the branch name.
To create your branch:
Make sure your current branch is up to date before you create your branch.
git pull --rebase
git checkout -b u/mrathee/contact-form-fix
Rather than running git branch then git checkout, you can pass "-b" to checkout combine the steps.
To push a local git branch to remote:
The "-u" argument will set your branch to track the remote. Just make sure your git config push.default value is set to upstream.
git push -u origin u/mrathee/contact-form-fix
To delete a local branch:
git branch -d u/mrathee/contact-form-fix
To delete a remote branch:
git push origin --delete u/mrathee/contact-form-fix