Students can take the livescribe echoTM smartpen and take notes the same way they always have. This time, however, they are taking you, their teacher, with them. When using the echoTM smartpen, students are simultaneously taking notes, retaining new knowledge and recording their educational surroundings, all without any extra effort. The echoTM smartpen is the tool that assures success in the classroom, day after day.

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After leaving class, students can simply tap on different areas of their notes and actually hear what was being taught in class at that exact moment! No more trying to decipher diagrams or trying to figure out what the incomplete sentence was referring to. The echoTM smartpen takes note-taking and studying to a completely new level.

And with such a integrated design, there is no learning curve! Just pick up the pen and start learning.

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Studies have proven that writing down information as it is presented increases retention by over 65%. Taking it a step further, reviewing the same information with more audio cues extend retention by another 25%! That is over 90% retention of new information simply by reviewing notes taken with the livescribe echoTM pen.

By simply changing the pen that your students use, you can almost guarantee that the knowledge you are passing on to them will be retained and utilized in their everyday lives!

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