January 12, 2018
How to stash and restore changes in Git
A quick guide to git stash: how to save & restore a set of local changes for later. If you're working on your user branch developing a feature and suddenly need to switch to a different problem without comitting incomplete...
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January 12, 2018
How to reset a git branch to remote
Here's a quick walkthrough to help you reset a local git branch to remote. We'll begin with the following assumptions: you have a user branch that is tracking a remote/upstream, you have local edits that you want to discard and...
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April 22, 2016
How to create / delete git branches
When working with git, you will frequently need to create working branches to put your changes on. Here's a quick git guide to help you create a local branch, push your local branch to a remote and delete your local...
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August 03, 2013
How to delete a tag in Git
If you use tags in your projects, you probably have encountered some issue (typos, perhaps) that forced you to remove the tag. Here are a few steps that will help you navigate the problems associated with local/remote tags and managing...
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